...丹(Chlordane) 氯化石蜡(C10-C13)(Chlorinated paraffin (C10-C13)) 氯化吩 (Phenarsaz ine chloride) 氯化汞(Mercuric chloride) 氯化汞(Mercury bichloride) 氯化亚汞(Mercurous chloride) 氯化铵汞(Mercuric ammonium chloride) 氯化铵基汞(Mercury ammoniu...
...禾本科(Poaceae) 冰(Ice) 培养基(Culture Media) 繁殖(Breeding) 方法(Methods) 溶液(Solutions) 升汞(Mercuric Chloride) 分类号 R282.2
... 氯化重氮苯:Benzenediazonium chloride 氯化正汞:mercuric chloride 氯化银电池:silver chloride cell ...
... 产品名称:氯化银/Silver chloride 氯化亚汞/一氯化汞/甘汞/Mercuric chloride 产品名称:氯化亚汞/一氯化汞/甘汞/Mercuric chloride ...
ammoniated mercuric chloride [无化] 氨基氯化汞 ; 氯化氨基汞
Ammonium Mercuric Chloride 铵合氯化汞
Potassium mercuric chloride 四氯合汞酸钾 ; 氯化汞钾
alkyl mercuric chloride 氯化烷基汞
Mercurous chloride and mercuric chloride 白降丹
Phenyl mercuric chloride 1g 氯化苯基汞
Methyl mercuric chloride 氯化甲基汞
N a white poisonous soluble crystalline substance used as a pesticide, antiseptic, and preservative for wood. Formula: HgCl2 氯化汞 (Systematic name mercury(II) chlorideAlso called bichloride of mercury, corrosive sublimate)
Animal ARF can be induced by renal ischemia-reperfusion injury, glycerine, gentamicin and mercuric chloride, and typical acute tubular necrosis can be observed in pathological changes.
The reutilization of water, tail gas and carbide slag in PVC production by calcium carbide method, and service condition of super low content mercuric chloride catalyst were introduced.
But be aware the ingredient might also be listed as "mercurous chloride, " "calomel, " or "mercuric.